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Setting the Tone: An ER Retrospective

Oct 28, 2021

This week, Amanda Lee’s true nature is revealed, Carol and Doug care for an exhausted mother and her chronically ill son, Dale continues to be a sleaze, tempers flare after a deadly car accident, Benton operates on a deaf woman’s granddaughter, and Reggie flirts with Jeanie in the worst way. 

Oct 21, 2021

This week, Carter and Lucy try to make a miracle happen when a brain dead teenager and another teen needing an urgent liver transplant come to the ER the same night, a drunk Romano gets knocked out, Benton’s workload keeps getting bigger, Corday connects with a nervous cancer patient, Mark shocks an angry elf,...

Oct 14, 2021

On this week’s 100th episode spectacular, Carter takes a very special guest on a tour of the hospital, Carol cares for a young boy whose story takes an extremely dark turn, Dr. Kotlowitz has Benton assist him with a cochlear implant procedure, Corday has her own mic drop moment at an M&M, and the writers continue to...

Oct 10, 2021

On this month's edition of STT Interviews we're talking with Guy Norman Bee! Guy worked as the primary steadicam operator for Seasons 1-3 and also directed an episode. He shares with us how his process with the steadicam changed over time and how it informed his approach as a director later on.

Want two week early...

Oct 7, 2021

This week, the entire ER rallies to try and save a little girl with an extremely rare blood type, Carter and Lucy scour the city to try and find the girl’s father, and Anspaugh and Benton attempt a daring bloodless surgery as a last ditch effort to save the girl’s life.